• Our group is deep in the mountain pass, on the trail to the Brass keep, dealing with mysterious plague fogs and Skaven warbands. Discovering a shrine to Nurgle, they face another warband of the Skaven, before many secrets begin to be revealed. As the situation takes a turn for the worse, sacrifices are required from […]

  • Following the devastating losses from the prior session, our group rebuilds and regroups at their capital, before setting forth into the wilderness again. A new location is scouted, and the group begins to explore, only to discover it is protected by a supernaturally fast fey creature, intent on protecting its possessions. https://youtu.be/KBpS1zDZXwQ

  • Andy rejoins the crew to bring his Rebel forces against George’s Republic Clones. This also gives us more Legion content, which we have been lacking recently on due to availability and schedules. Commander Cody leads the clones, vs Han Solo and Chewbacca on the part of the Rebels. YouTube – Star Wars Legion 106

  • First of our recent recording sessions is a Treasure Hunt between Craig’s Skaven and my Orc Mob warbands. I entered the battle with a disadvantage in unit numbers, and the animosity of the goblins really hurt the tactics, but both sides had fun in the end. Neither band really suffered major losses, and several significant […]

  • Our group leaves the protection of the Kardzburger military picket line, and ventures into the valley leading to the Brass Keep in an effort to find out what is happening. They are met by strange fogs and mists, the sounds of distant battle, and large packs of Skaven intent on harm. https://youtu.be/WFSRh6RFIvE

  • We had a long gaming day yesterday, with 3 battles in the Mordheim arena. Each battle was recorded, and will be processed in time, but it ended up as a long day. First off, we had my Orcs taking on the Skaven. This was followed by the Lizardmen coming out of the swamp to face […]

  • This was a rather short battle between the two warbands, heavily favoring one side due to the mission conditions. However, as is normal in Mordheim, it isn’t the victory in the battle that makes the difference, but how much your warband can gain during and after the fight.

  • Our group finally reaches the military picket line, protecting the realm from the chaotic forces of the Brass Keep, but are rather concerned about the state of affairs. Although the leadership accepts their presence, the group is restricted to the camp, and forbidden from exploration beyond the lines, leading to some investigation within the camps. […]

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